
This disclaimer applies to the website ExpatMortgagePlatform.nl. By visiting and / or using information from this website, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. In case of conflict between the (general) terms and conditions of certain products and services, whether or not offered through this website, and this disclaimer, the (general) terms of these products and services will prevail. This website and content, in respect of third party content, is owned by Expat Mortgage Platform BV.

Website usage
When making, compiling and disseminating information on this site, we exercise extreme care. However, we can not guarantee that the information provided on the website is accurate, current or complete. We accept no responsibility for possible inaccuracies and imperfections or for any consequences or damage caused by any action based on the information provided or the dysfunction of this website.

No rights can be derived from the content of this website. The information on this website is purely indicative and informative in nature and can not in any way be considered as a replacement for personal advice. You are strongly advised to seek personal advice before taking any action based on available information on this website.

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Third party information
When referring to other websites, the (direct) display of information or third party feeds is only informative and indicative in nature. The use of this information, products or services is entirely at your own risk. We accept no responsibility or liability as to the content, use or availability of this. The truthfulness, accuracy, reasonableness, reliability and completeness of information rests solely with the relevant provider.

The content of this website is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, reproduced or distributed in any way wholly or in part, without the written permission of Expat Mortgage Platform BV.